Happy Solstice & Grand Conjunction of Saturn/Jupiter at zero degrees Aquarius!

Epic moment in time… ⁣

And we are here for it. We signed up.⁣

Happy Solstice & Happy Grand Conjunction - Saturn/Jupiter at ZERO degrees Aquarius!⁣

We are heralding in a new age. ⁣

Step on through to the other side…⁣

Hold the highest vibration for us humans as we create the paradigm for our new earth.⁣

The rules are being re-written…⁣

Energy is a currency.⁣

Telepathy is an accepted form⁣
of communication. ⁣

Astrology is our language. ⁣

Technologies galore are on the horizon. #teleport #personalflying

Individualism is celebrated.⁣

Equality for all will actually be a truth.⁣

Freedom is here in every way.

Choose your own adventure and GO!

Tiffany Potempa