Mercury Retrograde in Cancer

Mercury has joined the chat. Mercury is now retrograde in Cancer joining Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto who are also retro. The planet of our intellect and communication meets the emotional empathic waters of cancer. Intuition is our guide. Trust and flow to pave the way for our new earth. ⁣

Important: Childhood wounds seem to come out to play as Cancer remembers EVERYthing. Mercury Retro is an opportunity to start changing the narrative individually and thus also collectively on childhood wounds and subconscious patterns. We ALL have them. No one is special in that department. Life is but a cosmic joke. Once we realize this, we can stop taking things so personally. We can lighten up, laugh, and start to heal the emotional embers. ⁣

Follow this: Our communication with ourselves and others is a projection of our vibration. Holding old stories/old wounds/old karma in our vibration keeps the status quo and keeps getting replayed in how we think, what we believe, the world we create, and how we communicate. Thats super limiting, yes? Creating a reality around old wounds and past karma? How can we expect to evolve and expand if the old stories keep replaying. This is very important because what you think and what you believe in your mind is what you vibrationally project into the world. ⁣

So let’s stop complaining, sink our ass’ into some H20 somewhere, float in those emotional waters, and start transmuting those old patterns. No one else can do it for us. Realize that we are the ones we’ve been waiting for. ⁣

PS: Listen to Ant Na Siftee Mantra on REPEAT to release old karmic patterns even while you sleep. The universe has never been more in our favor for this. ⁣

Mercury Retro (6/18-7/12 and out of retroshade 7/26)⁣

Tiffany Potempa