Taurus New Moon

The beauty of Taurus season is undeniable this year…as we slow down to acknowledge the little things…live through our senses…ground ourselves gratefully into Mother Earth…rediscover what we value and what makes us feel stable in true Taurus fashion. ⁣⁣
🌈Human existence has been asked to take a look inward as the universe strips us of what no longer serves us. Clarity of what we truly value is making itself known. We truly do have everything that we need…inside of us. (My mantra every time I go to the grocery store during this pandemic) Our inner strength, stability, and joy have always been there and the inward journey is showing us how to access it. Stability isn’t measured by finances nor possessions. Self worth isn’t measured by how much we do in a day or if we got that job. We are being asked to balance material and spiritual wealth for true abundance.⁣⁣
💚Stability is truly an inside job. Trust the resiliency of your higher self for inner peace and stability that not one person can touch. Not one. “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for “, has never been more true then at this time. It’s always been us. 👁 ⁣⁣
🌱We plant seeds during new moons and right now we have the opportunity to create a new earth and change our frequency. Like a Taurus, let us practically rebuild with an inner strength and stability that is true to our self values. Let us rebuild so that Mother Earth THRIVES. Sustainably. ⁣⁣
🌎The beauty in this time is that we get to create the world of our dreams. I believe in us humans! ⁣⁣

Tiffany Potempa